A very Good evening to everybody present in this beautiful hall. Most  honourable  and respected President of  today’s function Shri C C Mohanan, Convenor, School Committee, most distinguished and honourable Guest of the day Sri Misal Sagar Bharat I A S, Asst. District Collector Kannur, Honourable Vice President of Sree Bakthi Samvardhini Yogam, Shri T K Rajendran, Honourable Directors of Sree Bakthi Samvardhini Yogam, Honourable Education Officer of the school Smt Deepika Jaidas, Honourable Dignitaries on and off the dais, respected Vice Principal, Sri M.Pradyu, beloved Parents, respected Teachers, dear Non Teaching Staff, well wishers and my dearstudents.

“Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge and knowledge makes you great”. In the voyage of the discovery of excellence in the field of education, our endeavour of keeping the values – Love, Peace, Truth, Non-violence and Right conduct alive in our thought word and action continues.

Sree Narayana Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, NewDelhi, is managed by Sree Bhakthi Samvridhini Yogam, an organisation dedicated to the ideals of Sree Narayana Guru.

          On this momentous occasion of  the 42nd Annual Day Celebrations, I congratulate all and express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has brought Sree Narayana Vidya Mandir to the pinnacle of success with their great efforts. Its indeed a moment of pride and honour for me to place on record the significant activities and the achievements of the academic years 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23.

          In the session 2022-23, the academic year started on 1st June 2022  for Sree Narayana VidyaMandir with a mind full of hope and heart tuning with verve and validity with a total strength of 1864 students  from Nursery to the Senior Secondary class. We have 72 teaching staff and 30 non teaching staff members including bus operators. I feel elated to share that all our students of Class X and XII, who appeared for Secondary and Senior secondary School Examination conducted by CBSE during the sessions 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, passed with flying colours. In the academic session 2019-20, Students of X and XII proved their academic proficiency with 100 percent pass and creditable marks. In the academic year 2019-20, 115 children appeared for the AISSE Exam. 73 Students secured Distinction and 34 secured first  class. In the year 2020-21 out of 110 students, 82 secured distinction and 38 secured first class. In the year 2021-22, out of 114 students, 66 secured distinction and 38 secured first class. For AISSCE, in the year 2019-20, out of 101, 88 students secured distinction and 13 students secured first class. In the academic year 2020-21, out of 119 students 114 secured distinction and 5 secured first class. In the academic year 2021-22, out of 119 students 80 secured distinction and 38 secured first class.

Online platform

          In the academic year 2019-2020, 2020-21 the school worked primarily on online mode in accordance with the government regulations due to the fatal pandemic. All classes and students were in touch with their class teachers and subject teachers through Microsoft Teams online platform. Efforts were made to ensure that all students actively attended and participated in the online mode and ensured that maximum learning out comes were achieved. Our school was one of the first in the state to pioneer into the virtual way of teaching students during the pandemic. Teachers conducted their online lectures with attractive and informative power point presentations, online extra curricular and co curricular activities and periodic tests and terminal examinations were also conducted through the online mode. When the school reopened physically, all precautions of sanitization, thermal checking, wearing of mask and social distancing was maintained. Care was also taken to ensure that staff were vaccinated well in advance to provide a safe and secure school environment. Our school also was a venue for the vaccination of children  for both the doses of covid vaccines.

          Even though the school ran on the online mode during the pandemic the students and teachers were in total connection with one another and so many programmes were conducted along with their daily classes. Programmes in connection with almost all important days were conducted online. Yoga day, World Population Day, Music Day, World Teachers Day, Children’s Day, Fresher’s Day, Online Painting Competitions, Philately Online Workshop for students, Birth Anniversaries of popular personalities, etc. were conducted in the virtual mode. An online newsletter called the Pigeon was released highlighting the events conducted through the virtual mode. A grand Quiz Competition in connection with Kerala Piravi Dinam was conducted online by the students of class 12th 2020-21 batch which was enjoyed and  appreciated by the parents and the students. Online Arts and Crafts Exhibitions which included Pot Decoration, Christmas Trees and Star Making and all the activities conducted in the virtual mode were uploaded in the school youtube channel and stands as a testimony to our contribution during the online days. In connection with ‘Ek Bharat Sresht Bharat’ programme sponsored by the CBSE activities like song and dance items integrating the partner state Himachal was conducted. A cooking competition with Himachal Cuisine as the main theme was conducted. Students prepared Uliyathu Kadavu model – a project as the theme in connection with ‘Azadi ka Amrith Mahotsav’ which was forwarded to the Ministry of Defence.

Strengthening synergies between Parents-Teacher

          We believe in Parent Teacher unity,  as among the stake holders these two are the main bodies that enliven the spirit of the school and the students . Right from the inception of the school the cooperation and the bondage of our parents and the teachers has been hassle free and  the unity has born fruitful in the  school’s academic and non academic performance and  achievements .To strengthen this parents are  always welcome to meet thePrincipal and the Teachers and get suggestions and guidance for the welfare of the children. We conduct Parents Teachers meeting after exams and tests to monitor and analyse the progress of the students and necessary measures are taken to see that the students benefit in all possible ways.

          Remedial classes are conducted every day for those children who need extra coaching  and  care and this has brought in a good change among many students who have begun a liking for subjects in which they were weak before.

Workshops for students , parents and teachers.

Staying updated is the key to success in any field especially in the field of education .Our teachers including the Principal constantly strives to stay updated by attending workshops and various training programmes.

During the pandemic our teachers participated in an infinite number of workshops conducted by the CBSE and various government and nongovernment agencies trying to keep abreast with the latest technology and pedagogical techniques and enhance their teaching skill and thereby  impart enriched data to the  students .

The school had the opportunity to conduct a workshop on NEP  so that the  teachers are well informed  and  they could impart education according to the new National Policy of Education . The Centre of Excellence  conducted a two day training programme on the topic Experiential Learning for  all  the  teachers of   the school.   Workshop on experiential learning was conducted  for the teachers to get a better approach to their teaching methodology connected to experiential way of teaching and learning .  A workshop for Accountancy  Teachers was conducted in our school led by famed pracademics and  renowned authors  Dr G S Grewal and Mr R K Khosla .

Teachers also participated in workshops ,seminars and webinars  conducted by the various  educational and CBSE  departments and agencies  participating ,sharing ,  learning  and executing the rich ideas  they learnt .Our school is also a major centre  for the CBSE  AISSCE and AISSEExamination and Evaluation  .

Cyber security was dealtupon in an exclusive workshop for classes VIII &IX and their parents.It was conducted by the Swadesabhimani Movement of Kerala highlighting the need for awareness about security and privacyin the virtual world in the month of September.DrManohar Naik S ,Asst.Professor of Computer Science,Central University of Kerala was the resource person.  With the help of the Kannur Town police  UNARVU  a programme to make students fight against drugs started functioning in the school campus with a committee consisting of the school authority, parents and police  along with student members joining hands to make the younger generation  lead a disciplined , happy and neat life sans drugs . The members of the Unarvu committee are very active and alert giving the campus an orderly atmosphere.

Students enrichment programmes.

Just like every year ,in the pandemic years  too our students actively participated in all school activities and competitions -but with a difference ie in the virtual mode.These included singing  competition,Dance competitions,Drawing and poster making competitions and so many others .

All national,religious,and regional festivals are held throughout the year to educate the childrenabout the rich cultural and religious heritage of India.These events sensitise the students toward living in  harmony in a diverse society and encourage themto pay respect to the customs  and traditions of all religious communities.

Environmental day 2022 was conducted in the school in a very significant manner. Speech, Quiz ,Tree sapling planting were conducted in school.  The Honourable District Collector of Kannur ,Sri Chandrasekhar ,IAS appreciated the efforts  of our   eco club  members who along  with the Principal and Teachers visited the collectorate andmade the  premises clean and tidy  .  The collector mentioned that it was for the first time a CBSE  school took the  initiative  for such an excellent  campaign in that premises .

The students of classes 6-12th  undertook a rally spreading awareness to shun drugs and say no to drugs on the  International Anti DrugsDay .

Famous Story writer Sri  T Padmanabhan inaugurated the reading week in the school inspiring and inculcating in the students the importance of reading and making it a habit to be a good Samaritan of the world.

To inculcate in the future citizens of mother India the value and importance of democracy and democratic election the School Parliament Election  was conducted just like the real election process of the nation and a cabinet was formed to look after the day today activities of the school.

Independence Day Celebration , Onam Celebration , Gandhi  Jayanthi  Celebration , Teachers Day and Hindi Diwas were celebrated in a very grand manner with all the students  participating in  the programmes  in a big way.

As health is of primary importance to the young growing children medical tests are conducted to enhance the vitality of our students . In collaboration with a famous eye hospital a month long eye testing camp was conducted for all the students and staff and necessary measures were taken for those who needed medical care .Our school  was  also a venue for the vaccination of children both the doses of covid vaccines.The school also  has counselling sessions  keeping track on students mental health . To enhance the mental and physical growth of our children and make them smart and intelligent we conduct a number of co-curricular classes   .

Extra curricular activities

Our school has always given importance not only to academic activities but also to co -curricular activities .  Just as the famous quote in English states- ‘The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton’- the success of our students  achieving great heights  in life  comes from  the famed campus of Sree Narayana Vidya Mandir which has always nurtured and grown individuals with exceptional qualities . To develop our children mentally and physically the school provides a number of activities that our children can opt from and develop their talent , be it physical or mental. We have  added martial arts as part of our co-curricular activities and   Karate classes are being conducted   to aid our children to improve their concentration and alertness in addition to their physical and mental improvement .  The school already  has   chess coaching classes , band ,music ,arts and crafts classes .

Promotion of Sports , Co-curricular Activities&Students achievements  in interschool competitions and competitive exams –

Along with academics,sports is an integral part of the school curriculum.Students are motivated and  guided  to be physically fit and mentally alert as a Sound mind resides in a healthy body only.Football,Badminton ,Karate are the sports activities which are played and enjoyed by all students.After two years we conducted our 42nd Athletic meet at the  Police Parade Ground.

To promote and encourage the latent skills among our children a three day cultural competition was conducted in which all the students participated  in a variety of items giving children an opportunity to expose their talent in front of everybody. Many of the selected winners took part in the Inter school Sahodaya competitions in the month of October and I take this as a privilege to say many of them secured high grades and positions and a number of winners have got a chance to represent the Kannur Sahodaya and participate in the All Kerala Sahodaya festival to be conducted in November –December 2022. 22 students of our school have been selected to participate in the State SahodayaKalotsav 2022.

The following students secured first in the Kannur SahodayaRegion  in the SahodayaCompetitions held in the months of September and October .

Prarthana K K class 12A  – A grade first in Hindi versification and also stood first in  Drawing

JayakrishnanSharangan 12B ,Muhd  Shahid 11A , Bilal Lukman 11B –first prize in Sports Quiz

Shikha Rajeev 12B, Swetha Prasad 12B,ThejusKinattinkara 12B- First prize in Maths Quiz

Kedarnath 6A,Prarthana K K 10 C, Sajin 11 B, Received A grade first in Digital Painting

Jayakrishnan S  of XII B and  Sidharth  of XII A got A grade first in Power Point Presentation

Vaiga Aneesh 6A A grade first in Monoact

Savan 10C – A grade first in Guitar

Nandana  12 A –A grade first in Flute

Kiran Shankar  12B- A grade first in Mappilapattu

In the SahodayaSkatingCompetition Rithul Ranjith  of 9B and Durga Preeth of 2C got two gold medals each  .Rithul also won a gold medal in the District Championship . Debasish Rajesh of class 5C  got a gold medal in the  District Roller Skating Championship  .

In the District Boxing Championship Janjith 11C and Sankeerth 11C  got gold at the District Level .

Anushka P V 9B was selected in the District Cricket Team and took part in the State Cricket  Camp .

Sweden XII C got  gold in the District Level Weight Lifting Championship.

Students participated in various competitive exams throughout the year. The main purpose behind encouraging students to participate in these competitions is to improve their concentration, time management skills, sharpen their mental ability and problem solving techniques.

Sree Narayana Guru Jayanthi celebrations were conducted in a befitting manner. Competitions based on the Gurus life and works were conducted in the month of August . Many of our students took part in the competitions and won laurels . The school was also a venue for the inter-school competitions  in connection with the Jayanthi .

In the Lions international UN Day Oratory Competition many of our student  orators  participated  and   Lakshmipriya of 11 A stood first in Malayalam and Jayakrishnanof 12B  stood second in English.

I would like to mention the name of our little  kid Hriday Yuvan of UKG  who won  the hearts of every body  by winning the  first prize in the Geetha Chanting  competition  conducted by Chinmaya Mission with his sweet rendition  .

During the pandemic too  our students participated in National and International  Competitions and events  and had the flag of our school flying high . Hana P of class XII C made   the school family proud by winning the second prize at the All India level of India @Tokyo Olympics 2020 painting competition organized by the Confederation of Sports under the aegis of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports , Government of India.

Five of our children from the commerce batch –Miss Ashika Ashok, Ayisha Abdul Rauf,Fathima Neha, Rhea Rajesh and Varsha Divyeshan  participated in the entrepreneurship workshop and innovation competition  2020-21 conducted by the University of Queensland , Australia .They scored the runner up position at the  India Future Founders workshop based on an online presentation sponsored by the University .

Two of our students  JayakrishnanSharangan and Sidharth Suresh participated in  the very popular Shaastra 2021 Junior  online Quiz and Science Power Point Presentation conducted by the highly reputed IIT Madras and got appreciated for their superb  performance .

Excursions and Picnics  

Excursions and picnics   enhance student life by giving them enjoyment and information .The school conducted excursions to various places  giving children an opportunity to visit new places, gather information and also collect information regarding their place of visit .

Our Blooming dale

Our KG section fondly called the ‘ Blooming Dale  Garden’  has 221 blooming flowers and eight teachers to care , nurture and  guide them to become  beautiful flowers in  this beautiful garden called S N Vidya Mandir .

The KG Arts Festival was conducted in September wherein all our tiny talented tots of the KG section took part in a number of items and showed their talent on stage  winning the hearts of everybody.

The Kindergarten section had celebrations like FreshersDay, Fruits Day  , Colour Day , International Animals day , Yoga  and Onam celebrations . The Annual Sports Meet for the sports stars of the Kindergarten was conducted on September 17th.

Nihal Prajeesh of UKG A became the winner in the  preliminary level of Toffee Ride Go Quiz competition conducted by the Toffee Ride Learning App.

Niharika Nidhin of UKG C got first prize in the Rashtradeepika Drawing Competition .

During the pandemic when the tiny tots were inside the four walls of their house , to break the monotony    skits, celebrations , investiture ceremony, children’s day  celebration were conducted in the virtual mode .


With a beautiful sprawling campus with four blocks serving different sections of the KG, Primary, Middle, Secondary and Senior Secondary Sections ,the school possesses  state of the art Smart Class Rooms , Multi PurposeHalls , good Play Grounds and a  hygienic Canteen  serving nutritious  food .The Kindergarten section was given a thorough facelift and all facilities added making it child friendly and  transforming it into a  blissful place where  small children would like to spend their time joyfully throughout the day . The play area with state of the art play tools and equipments make  it a kids hub . The management has done its best and is keeping on doing its best  to make our campus one of the best child friendly campus in  town.


Academic excellence

In the AISSE and AISSCE 2022 our students performed excellently and   many of them stood first scoring very high marks  in the whole of  Kannur SahodayaRegion  making us all proud with their academic excellence. The following are the students who made the school proud with their glorious achievements.







ANU S 494 98.8














ZAINAB ZAHIRA T      BIOLOGY                                   493                   98.6

AMAN DILEEP             COMP SCIENCE                       492                   98.4

FATHIMA NEHA P       COMMERCE                             487                   97.4






Let me take this privilege to wholeheartedly thank our beloved Parents, the main body of our school. On behalf of the Staff I am indebted to you dear parents for your encouragement and support ,help and appreciation for the progress and development of this great institution .Your trust, faith and belief have always been motivating factors in moulding our children into good citizens of the society. Let us together build a great future for our children.

Let me thank the ManagingCommittee for their support, guidance and help rendered  for the welfare  of  the students and staff of this institution. Our Wholehearted thanks to Sri  K P Balakrishnan, President SreeBhakthiSamvardhiniYogam , Sri TK Rajendran, Vice-President SreeBhakthiSamvardhiniYogam , Sri K P Pavithran , Secretary SreeBhakthiSamvardhiniYogam , Sri C CMohanan , Convenor, school committee and all the Directors for their unstinted help, cooperation, support and encouragement given to the staff and students.

Success comes only when there is joint effort, dedicated service and whole hearted commitment. In this matter I am proud to say that the  selfless duty of  each and every one of my colleagues has made  the school one of the  best in this region.

I am sure with the  blessings of Sree Narayana Guru Devan  and  wholehearted  support of all our parents and well wishers the school shall stride towards more and more success.

Thank you.