From the Education Officer’s Desk

Education OfficerIt is an honour and privilege to be the Education Officer of Sree Narayana Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School, a school inspired by the tenet of the Great Saint and Philosopher Sree Narayana Guru. ‘Education for the liberation of the individual’. and “Education is a means for everyone who desires progress in this world, therefore it has to be given to all” are the pillars upon which the school has been built.  In the 21st Century  Education envisages acquisition of information, knowledge, skills, scientific temper, digital literacy, values, beliefs and habits by learners at their own pace in collaboration and based on their own learning style.  Hence it is imperative to bring reforms in the education system. The new National Education Policy 2020 throws up new challenges before educators. Present education must be able to carve individuals who shall be the torch bearers of tradition, culture, peace and progress in the future.

Established in 1980, our school is proud of its great tradition and alumni. Since its inception the school has steadily grown in stature producing outstanding results both in scholastic as well as co-scholastic areas of learning and is one of the leading CBSE schools in this part of Kerala. The school has been laying emphasis on academic excellence, emotional stability, discipline, values, compassion, integrity and a spirit of enquiry. All the activities of the school revolve round one purpose to help students develop lives of significance for themselves and others around them true to the motto of the school ” Enter to learn, Depart to serve”. The school provides an invigorating student centred learning environment and competitive atmosphere created by excellent facilities with practical and real life experience that empowers and inspires students to be creative and innovative . The guidance provided by qualified , experienced and dedicated faculty challenges and motivates each child to achieve his full potential as a responsible member of the society and equips him to meet the challenges of the future.

The secret of the school’s success is the hard work, dedication and commitment of the Staff, the Managing Committee and the unstinting support and encouragement of our Parents. The vision of the school “Human Excellence through life long learning” and the Mission of the school “To provide education of the highest quality and standard of excellence for socio-economic progress  embedded in clearly articulated values and commitments has motivated all the stake holders to create not just professionals  but citizens who are ready to take on challenges, responsibilities, risks and move ahead to serve the society, the nation and the world. In order to achieve this all the activities of the school revolve around the quest for knowledge,  and the urge to move ahead with confidence, integrity and righteousness for ones own benefit and the benefit of others.

We request all our Parents to spend quality time with their child, attend all the PTA meetings regularly, keep in touch with the class teacher, give us suggestions for improvement and provide their  child with the proper environment to learn and grow. We must together invest our time and energy in our nation’s most valuable resource which is our children.

Please check the website regularly for updates to keep abreast of the activities of the school and your child.

If I can ever be of assistance please email or call me.

                                                                                                      Mrs Deepika Jaidas
Education Officer

From the Convener’s Desk

Education is a means for everyone who desires progress in this world, therefore, it has to be given to all’, ‘Progress through education and strength through organization’ – the Divine and thought provoking words said by Sree Narayana Guru Devan on education ,are the pillars upon which this institution has been built educating young hearts and there by serving the society in its march towards peace , progress and prosperity.

For almost three decades and a couple of years , our institution, the great Sree Narayana Vidya Mandir has been able to create not just professionals and executives but citizens who are ready to take on challenges , responsibilities and risks ever ready to move ahead to serve the society and take the nation to higher levels and make the world a better place.

 ‘  Education is not the filling of a bucket but the lighting of a fire ‘ said W B Yeats and here at Sree Narayana Vidya Mandir in fact we do not fill in an individual with letters , numbers and formulaes rather the quest for knowledge .The quest for learning and exploring the right path to a life with confidence, integrity and righteousness are infused in the minds of the children right from a very young age .

The institution which celebrated its Silver Jubilee in 2004 has achieved so many laurels and accolades and the secret of success being a community of dedicated and committed teachers , professionally competent , morally sound and humane in their dealings guided by the Principal and supported by a management ever ready to steer the wheel in the right direction overcoming challenges and achieving perfection to the ultimatum . We cannot forget the support and encouragement of our beloved parents who have been with us through the thick and thin of time. A Child gets educated through experiences and home provides that first learning environment . Though the tuning of academics is done at school with utmost care and concern , the revising of learning take place at home. We invite our dear parents to join hands with us to make our motto – ‘Enter to Learn, Depart to serve’ materialize without being just a dream.

Moving abreast with the latest trends seen in the education scenario and to make the institution, teachers and students updated with the latest technologies the school has been e-digitalized with all the class rooms equipped with the best and latest Smart Class facilities. Our goal – to carve a niche of our own in this rapidly changing world adhering to our values , culture and tradition , enabling our students to be global citizens , spreading tranquility and bringing name and fame to their alma matter , their progenitors and the mother land . Let us all strive and work for that.

Wish you all the best

C C Mohanan

From the Principal’s Desk

Dear parents, students, teachers and staff,

Welcome to Sree Narayana Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School! It is my pleasure and privilege to serve as the principal of this wonderful learning community. It is with great delight and enthusiasm that I extend a warm welcome to all students, parents, faculty and staff to the family.

As the Principal of the school, I am dedicated to fostering a supportive and inclusive learning environment where every individual is valued and encouraged to reach their full potential. As Sree Narayana Guru rightly said, “Progress through education”. Our mission is to provide a high-quality education that sustains academic excellence, personal growth, and social responsibility.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela. At school we are committed to providing a nurturing and balanced environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, emotionally and become responsible global citizens. Our dedicated team of educators works tirelessly to create engaging and innovative learning experiences that inspire curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking. They are committed to delivering engaging and rigorous instruction that prepares students for success in life.

As the educational landscape continues to evolve, we remain focused on preparing our students to succeed in an ever-changing world. Through a rigorous curriculum, personalized instruction, and a wide range of extracurricular opportunities, we empower our students to discover their passions and reach their full potential. We believe in the power of collaboration, innovation and continuous improvement.

We believe that strong partnerships between home and school are essential for student success. I encourage parents and guardians to actively engage in their child’s education, whether through volunteering, attending school events, or communicating with teachers.Together, we can create a vibrant and supportive learning community where every student feels valued and supported on their journey to excellence.

I invite you to explore our website to learn more about our programs, events, and opportunities. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there is anything we can do to support you.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. I look forward to an exciting year of growth, achievements and a rewarding school year ahead.

Warm regards,

Smitha Srinivasan
